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Breast Massage

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Breast Massage Therapy during Breastfeeding

Although it may not be familiar, utilizing midwife to assist in massaging the breasts can be very effective during breastfeeding. Listed below are common symptoms of how breasts may appear after childbirth and appropriate treatments during breastfeeding.

★2-3 Days after childbirth

Your hormone tells your body to make a lot of milk, and your breasts become full and firm. Some women’s breasts become red and painful.

Massaging breasts will help to increase circulations and turn your blood into colostrums “first milk.” and to reduce any breast swelling, so it will easier for your baby to latch on.

★4-6 Days after childbirth

As your baby’s suckling stimulates milk production, your milk comes in. In order to increase the amount of milk your breasts produce, breastfeeding more than 8 times in a 24 hour period is recommended.

If your baby takes some time to learn to latch properly, your nipples may become sensitive and painful while breastfeeding. By giving a massage, nipples and areola (the dark area around the nipple) become tender and you feel less pain while your baby is suckling.

In lactation consultation, we can offer information and practice with breastfeeding so that you and your baby can be calm while feeding.

★10 Days after childbirth

The more you breastfeed, the more milk your body produces. If your baby is crying right after feeding, or he or she is not gaining any weight, you might not be producing enough milk to support your baby’s needs.

Stimulating your breasts by massage promotes more milk production and squeezing out remaining colostrum in your breasts helps to release more milk-producing hormones.
If you are producing less milk, don’t worry. By performing regular breast massage, your milk supply can increase. The earlier you start, the more effective massage can be.

★1 Month after childbirth

Fatigue and lack of sleep can weaken your immune system, and you are likely to get mastitis (breast inflammation). The symptoms of mastitis are high fever, pains, and red or hot area on breasts.
Exhaustion and severe headache cause difficulties in taking care of your baby.

Releasing cloudy yellow milk with breast massage promotes to reduce inflammation, and massaging mammary gland prevents swelling from leading to hard lumps.
In severe cases, we may prescribe antibiotics and pain medications. It will be cleared up with medications in 5-7 days.

★2-4 Months after childbirth

The amount of milk you produce will increase and you will maintain a consistent lactation time.
When you are producing more milk than your baby’s need, the milk accumulates in your breasts.

If your breasts are not drained completely, it can lead to problems such as plugged milk ducts and milk blisters (blocked nipple pore).
Massage can help loosen the clog and open up the pore. It improves the milk flow.

★5-7 Months after childbirth

Teething begins. As teeth begin appearing, your baby may chew on the nipple during breastfeeding due to itchy or sore gums.
Tell your baby repeatedly “Please do not bite because it hurts,” then your baby will stop it eventually.
Visit us when you have wounded nipples from a baby bite.
Based on the type of the wound, we are able to provide treatments and advice specifically for your needs, including how to encourage your baby to latch on and nurse properly. We will prescribe ointments to prevent infection as needed.

★8-10 Months after childbirth

During weaning process which begins from 5-6 months old, your baby will become more familiar with the solid food, and the amount of food your baby eats will increase.

Thereby, the number of breastfeeding decreases. The less you breastfeed your baby, the more you accumulate milk in your breasts. It could cause mastitis and plugged milk ducts.
Breast massage therapy can provide treatments for any problems while breastfeeding your baby.

★11-12 Months and after

Time to decide when to stop breastfeeding. It is up to you and your baby to decide the right time, but you should also consider of your lifestyle transitions, such as returning to work and timing of your second child.

Our clinic gives a consultation of how to dry up breast milk and offers massage after the end of breastfeeding.
To complete treatments, the milk should be squeezed out completely from your breasts to ensure lumps won’t form, and your breasts will prepare for the second child.
We can also prescribe medications to stop producing milk at your request.

■What to expect in Breast Massage Therapy
At the beginning of the appointment, we will ask you for your medical history and current progress including any concerns.Then you will change into the clothing you brought, lie down on the bed, and the midwife will begin the session.We also offer lactation and breast pumping consultations, as well as childcare guidance as needed.

■Items needed for the appointment
・Maternal and child health handbook
・Insurance card
・Result of blood work during pregnancy, if anyA change of shirt (T-shirts etc.) may be needed due to leaking of breast milk
・1 Bath towel, 3 Face towels

■Session time
The first visit takes one to one and a half hours, including new patients intake process.
The return visit takes about 30 to 60 minutes.
Although it depends on how quickly your body will recover after childbirth, you may feel exhausted from the new parenting experience. It may cause muscle tension in shoulders and back, and you may feel cold all the time.

Besides breast massage, we also provide a whole body massage. We listen to your concerns and offer supports specifically to your needs. Based on your baby’s weight and how your lactation is, we can provide you proper advice to improve your breastfeeding.
If coming to the clinic alone makes you nerves, bring your husband, partner, or your mother with you.
Feel free to consult with us anytime.
